Blue Dragon Immortal Qigong Now Available


for Health, Vitality, and Longevity

Do you Want More ENERGY, Less Stress, Fewer Aches and Pains?

Ever Imagine you could FEEL YOUNGER,

GET Healthier and Live Longer??

If you do then you’re in the right place!

The answer to aging gracefully, feeling full of life and energy, and reducing stress is Qi Gong!

After several years of clinical practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I have realized that if you want to be healthy you must heal from the root.

In ancient China there was a practice called Qi Gong, pronounced “chee gung” that was taught to build the energy, strength, and life force of a person. It was originally developed by a monk from India named Da Mo (Bhoddhi Darma).

When Da Mo came to China he saw the terrible state of health the monks at a Buddhist temple were in while they were trying to meditate. He saw that they were sick, weak, overweight, tired, and lacked concentration.

He taught the monks the simple Qi Gong exercises and within a short time their health improved drastically, their energy improved and they were able to continue their spiritual work.

Since then Qi Gong has been practiced throughout China, Japan, Taiwan and Asia. Asia’s greatest leaders have hired Qi Gong masters to teach them how to live and age gracefully.

Qi Gong has remained hidden in secrecy from outsiders for hundreds of years. It has evolved in some ways but has retained most of the original teachings and form.

The ancient techniques of Qi Gong are now available to learn and practice not only at the beach, but also in the comfort of your own home.

Qi Gong, also known as Chi Kung, or Chi Gong is literally translated as “energy work.” Qi is translated as “energy”. Gong is translated as “work.”

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that all illness and disease is a result of blockages of energy or qi in the body. As these blockages get worse they start to ‘stagnate’ the blood. As the blood stops moving it starts creating symptoms of disease. These symptoms can be fatigue, pain, headaches, irritability, weight gain, stress, digestive disorders and so on.

Qi Blockage = Blood Stagnation= Disease & Illness

So, how can we move the blockages?

Through the practice of Qi Gong, exercise and meditation!

QiGong can:

*increase energy

*prevent & decrease the effects of aging

*improve memory and brain function

*increase metabolism for weight loss

*reduce blood pressure, stress and anxiety

*uplift depression

*decrease hormonal imbalances (including menopause)

*increase libido in both men and women

*heal illness

*lubricate joints

*improve balance and coordination

*strengthen muscles, tendons, and ligaments

*increase flexibility

*improve circulation

There are many different styles of Qi Gong. Some are considered ‘soft’ while others are ‘hard.’

Soft Qi Gong is considered to be gentle on the body, easy on the joints, good for circulation, and overall health.

Hard Qi Gong is used to strengthen the body in order to increase one’s martial arts ability. Hard Qi Gong can lead to impressive ‘mind over matter’ displays of physical power, and resistance to injury from blows and sometimes weapons! While these displays are amazing Hard Qi Gong can be harmful to the body if not practiced correctly with careful guidance.

When one practices Soft Qi Gong they attain the most health benefits with the least amount of strain on the body. Soft Qi Gong is featured on this DVD.

Presented is an instructional DVD on Qi Gong developed specifically for the average person who may have no knowledge of internal martial arts. It has been developed for Westerners, seniors, and those who are interested in improving their health. You do not need any previous training, athletic ability or special equipment.

The exercises involve stretching, slow movements and powerful breathing techniques. Much of the form can even be practiced by those who are physically disabled or chair-bound.
Qi Gong involves simple, easy to do exercises that can be done at home, the office, or ideally outside in nature.

It involves strengthening, stretching, deep breathing, and visualization exercises to bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance.

The best part is that you can achieve amazing results and it only takes

14 movements that take 2-3 minutes !

How do you get such great results out of such little time?

A turtle makes progress when it sticks its neck out.

If you expect to stick to a routine it must be easy and convenient. It must fit into your lifestyle in a practical and realistic way. If it takes too much time then we are prone to failing, since it requires too much of a commitment. Qi Gong is an ancient healing art form just beginning to emerge to its full potential in Modern Day. If you are truly going to reap the full benefits of Blue Dragon Immortal Qi Gong, then you must practice regularly. Incorporating a daily 45 minute routine is more attainable and realistic than going to the gym for two hours to achieve health. In order to lead a balanced life, we must make the practice of Qi Gong fit seamlessly into our day. Through careful practice and consideration, I have developed a routine that focuses on the most effective health exercises in less than an hour. I have chosen the most important exercises that produce the strongest and most powerful health effects.

At the end of the 14 movements minutes your energy will be flowing and circulating smoothly! If you practice everyday, or every second day you will feel the benefits within 10 days!

Who Developed this routine?

Dr. George Love, Master Zhen Wu, Lineage Holder of Lung Qing Nei Dan Qi Gong a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), licensed Acupuncture Physician, and Raw Food Therapist, living in West Palm Beach, Florida, developed this highly effective routine after three decades of mastery and clinical practice. Dr. Love has studied with one of the best Qi Gong masters in the world, Dr. John B.Y. Lee, a traditional Taoist Scholar.

” A pint of Example is Worth a Gallon of Advice”
– Chinese Proverb-

“After my first class I felt so relaxed but energized at the same time and I was instantly hooked. Master Zhen Wu’s Qi Gong had the perfect blend of “hard” and “soft” and gave me improved mental capabilities too.”

Zhen Wu’s health soared to new heights. He felt peaceful, relaxed and healthy.

” My mind felt sharp and clear. I noticed that when I would simply stop and sit I could feel qi flowing. It felt like a warm and tingling sensation flowing throughout my entire body.”

He finished his studies and started practicing acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He saw many people with a variety of health conditions and treated them with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and diet. Although his patients got better and felt their health improving, Zhen Wu  still felt something was missing. As he frequently spoke about his Qi Gong experiences, it didn’t take long for patients to ask him to teach them. Master Zhen Wu started teaching classes and was shocked at the results and the feedback.

People were discovering energy that they had lost decades ago, and finding health that they never had before!

Balancing a busy clinic schedule and teaching regular classes became time consuming. As word got out, his Qi Gong classes became larger, demanding more and more of George’s time.

“I wanted to help as many people as possible but was overwhelmed by the demand.”

It was then that Dr. Love decided to make an instructional DVD that people could practice at home!

Dr. Love regularly hears from his students benefiting from daily Qi Gong on the beach, and also receives live testimonials from people he has never met in person who can fortunately practice with him on his DVD and dramatically improve the quality of their whole being.

Who should practice Qi Gong?

* People who want to feel increased energy, strength and vitality
* Seniors – some of my “most experienced” students are over 60 years young!!
* Baby boomers
* People who want to look and feel younger
* People with high stress/anxiety
* People with high blood pressure

Included in the DVD, “Blue Dragon Qi Gong ,” you will receive:

* A 14 movement routine that you can follow in the comfort of your own home

* An in depth explanation of Qi Gong concepts and history

* Select movements with clear instruction on position and posture

* A wealth of health, mental focus and stamina

Testimonial #1

“I’ve been practicing Qi Gong from your DVD for 3 months and I haven’t felt this good in years! The arthritis pain in my knees is about 80% gone without any medication, just regular practice after my morning tea. My energy is through the roof and I am able to hold all of the horse stance postures now too!”


– 58, arthritis in knees and hands

Testimonial #2

“I’ve always been a stressed person, but after having a baby, gaining 20 pounds, and barely having enough time for myself I was on my way to burn out. I saw Dr. Love’s “Blue Dragon Qi Gong DVD” and decided to give it a try. It was easy to follow and took less than an hour so I was able to do it 4 or 5 times a week. Now, 2 months later I have to say I feel so much more relaxed and focused! Unlike getting a massage or going to a spa, the feeling of relaxation can last for days and days! Thanks Dr. Love!
Melinda H.

– 34, mother of two and no longer stressed


I am so confident in this Qi Gong routine that it is backed by a 100% satisfaction 
guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase I will refund your purchase. All I ask is that you view the DVD several times and practice with it daily for 2 weeks. Remember that it is only 14 movements everyday. I am completely sure that you will notice energy increasing, pain reducing, sleep improving, less stress and a brighter outlook on life! I have seen it many times in my classes and through letters and emails.

Click on the PayPal link below to purchase the Blue Dragon Immortal Qi Gong DVD for only $24.95 USD plus $4.95 shipping and handling.

You will receive a DVD in 5-10 business days in the US and Canada.

If you are outside North America shipping rates may vary.

 If you have any questions or concerns email us at: